Category Music

Song To The Siren

To me this track is a Rosetta Stone for the work of Tim Buckley overall. There are clear pathways back to the folk stylings of the earlier Buckley – earlier extant versions of this song sound wan by comparison, less…

Who Knows Where The Time Goes?

Three years after the first recorded version of Sandy Denny’s “Who Knows Where The Time Goes?” in 1966, Fairport Convention’s “Unhalfbricking” album is released and the song finds its most exquisite form. To me it’s a Sunday afternoon in autumn…


“The floor will have its way, it seems”, begins Joe Henry on this 1996 gem, “it fights me like a trampoline”. The groove has a sprightly bounce, but it’s not fully warm, fully organic; there’s an edge there – as…

The Jam

I think I first heard this track as part of the absolutely stellar Rhino Records six-disc compilation “In Yo’ Face! The History Of Funk”, which was an education and a half to this pasty-faced white boy from Greensborough. Graham Central…

Suicide Sister

It begins with a simple drum fill from Mark Meyer, and slides into an almost impossibly measured groove – 65bpm, barely troubling the scorers. Musicians will tell you how hard it is to play a feel this slowly – to…